Kinda Weird Mag is an indie magazine set to extend our love for music at a grassroots level, to celebrate the bands that we love in a closer light, and to showcase art, photography, film-making and creativity in all forms at its roots.
This is our platform to document and display our amazing growing community. Carrying our ethos to new heights, an indie magazine to celebrate the incredible creatives, musicians and party-people we’ve come to know and love.
We are here for creatives from all avenues, we want to showcase and broadcast you!!! Whether you’re photographers, filmmakers, animators, musicians, artists, coders, bloggers, visionaries, actors, directors, writers, crafters, illustrators, stylists, comedians, activists, independent businesses, charities, simply voices, simply those who have something to say, so on and so forth. (@KINDAWEIRDMAGAZINE)
Kinda Weird Mag will be an independent celebration and documentation of all those who feature in it; a physical, printed, salute to like-minded beacons of art and community. Get involved.